one of a few projects that i have my hands on right now is working with a very talented group of designer in a collaborative design effort where we focus our creativity and design skills in helping the community. this effort has come to be known as community by design. one of the many things that are in the works right now is our brand- how can we graphically represent ourselves through a logo, website, + print material. step one is obviously creating a logo- and this is where addie brown and i come in. many revisions have already taken place with more to come-- but we are definietly getting warmer towards the final result. see our process below and expect more to follow....
to my utter delight-- i found a floating heart in my afternoon coffee foam yesterday. i'm thinking it is a sign from cupid that something is coming my way...
i am now a recent grad from the university of north carolina at greensboro with a bachelor of science in interior architecture. i'm now on the journey to figure out where my life will take me. in the meantime- enjoy my photos, sketches, random ideas, and designs that fuel my creativity and passion for design.