this past month has been pretty crazy for me- not only have i had this studio project to work on- but jessica zuniga and i have been planning this year's BEAUX ARTS BALL- the annual fund raising event our IIDA UNCG campus center hosts. i can honestly say that all the hard work and planning we put into the event- definitely paid off! we had the event this past saturday [a nice little break from studio] at upstage cabaret in downtown greensboro. this year's theme was I.ARC- shaken, not stirre: a night of bond, james bond...
this is the poster jessica zuniga designed to promote the event- the attire was black and white with accents of red!
all the four year's with our professor- patrick lee lucas- in our gun barrel we designed and made for picture taking! [yes...he definitely wore the sunglasses all night because apparantely he was james bond- casino royale??]
all of us in front of our cityscape we also designed + made to be placed in the back room with the food. we made the cityscape out of cardboard with cut outs to let light shine through from spot lights placed behind the cardboard.needless to say- it was an amazing event and it couldn't have turned out any better! we had students from all years, professors, and friends come together and celebrate the end of the year!
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